
Your project’s air quality requirements are often an integral element ensuring your project milestones are met on time & on budget. Our experienced team knows exactly what the regulartory requirements are and how they can be met to make sure your project is rolling along nicely.

Comprehensive Air Quality & Monitoring Services

Air Quality Assessments

Air quality assessments are required to avoid and minimise environmental harm on air quality including from dust, smoke and offensive odours and other air pollutants.

Dust Deposition Monitoring

Dust deposition monitoring involves the deployment of static dust gauges at sensitive receivers to monitor dust levels before, during, and after construction.

Air Quality Monitoring

Air Quality Monitoring should be undertaken in accordance with the current Australia Standard measurement techniques and should consider a variety of factors including the location of sensitive receivers, wind direction, and speeds. Monitoring is usually required for works likely to cause environmental nuisances such as blasting, excavation, crushing, screening, earthworks,  workshops, concrete batching and mixing plants.

The NGH Wild Environmental Advantage

An Experienced Team of Professionals

Our carefully selected team of Environmental Scientists, Ecologists, GIS Specialists & Planners have both the qualifications and experience to ensure your projects are always in the green.

Our Team is Always Ready To Go

Our mission is to be QLD’s top regional environmental consulting firm, by providing current expert advice. Our team is always ready to deploy at the first available opportunity.

Professional Support Without The Overheads

Our team provides you with every environmental service you’ll need to ensure that your projects have a positive impact and are delivered on time and on budget.